Read To Me Storytime
Tuesdays, 11:30 AM
Thursdays, 10:30 AM & 1:30 PM
Enjoy a story and a themed take-home craft, read by a librarian. Read To Me Storytime is recommended for children from birth through 2nd Grade. Tuesday and Thursday sessions will have the same story and craft.
Saturday Storytime / Family Activity Days
Second and Fourth Saturdays monthly, 10:30 AM
Stories and activities for children and families of all ages to enjoy together. Crafts and activities are a little bit more complicated than Read To Me crafts.
Origami Paper Folding
First Saturday monthly, 11 AM
Learn and practice the classic Japanese art of paper folding.
STEM Free Sessions
First Saturday monthly, 10-11 AM
Fourth Wednesday monthly, 6:30-7:30 PM
These are open workshops with no set theme for children of elementary school age and up, as well as young adtults.. Create and play with our STEM kits, try new things, or show off things that you’ve made!
We have materials on hand for:
- Edison Microbric Robot Programming
- Paper and Squishy Circuits
- Building with Strawbees and 3Dux Kits
- Bristlebots
- Buddha Board artboards
- Custom-cut papercraft or stickers (you supply sticker or other special paper)