As an independent community library, Dormont Public Library relies on the donations of community members in order to continue providing services. While we hold fundraisers year-round, we appreciate any monetary donations at any time of year. We are a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; donations made to the Library are tax-deductible. Donations can be made by mail, in person with cash or credit card, or by clicking on the button below. We will be happy to provide a receipt for your donation on request.
Please send all checks to:
Dormont Public Library
2950 West Liberty Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
Add a Leaf to the Tree
With a donation of $25 or more, we will add your name as a leaf on our tree mural, painted by local artist Maria DeSimone Prascak. You can also ask for a leaf to be placed on the tree with the name of your family or organization. Ask at the front desk for details.
If you would like to make a donation in memory of a person or family, please contact us at the time you make your donation. We will purchase the titles you request, or you may specify a topic and we will select titles relevant to the desired topic. Memorial items will receive a special bookplate with the name of the honoree, and the donor if desired.
Collection Donation Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in donating your items to Dormont Public Library! Please be aware that certain items cannot be accepted as donations.
- No encyclopedias, textbooks, or manuals
- No Reader’s Digests or Reader’s Digest Condensed Books
- No hardcover books without dust jackets
- No books that have been written in
- No books with bookplates or other stickers/labels
- No books with discolored or stained pages
- No books with water damage or signs of mold
- No books purchased or acquired from other libraries’ collections (via book sale, etc.)
- No books purchased or acquired from our Book Sale
- No VHS tapes or other obsolete video formats
- No records, cassette tapes, or obsolete audio formats
- No “homemade”/“burned” CDs, DVDs, or Blu-Ray Discs
Dormont Library reserves the right to evaluate any item as unsuited for donation. Thank you for your understanding.